GV safety group - PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2022
Another year is drawing to a close for the Goulburn Valley Safety Group (GVSG), and we mark the
conclusion of our 25th year.
The GV Safety Group’s committee was made up of Geoff Hopkins, Joanna Foulkes, Caitlin Baker,
Darryl Herring, Sarah Molyneaux, Jessica Willoughby, Georgia Linton and myself.
Whilst we were able to return to our traditional delivery of face to face we continued to offer virtual
attendance options wherever possible to ensure maximal access to attend our sessions
The year the was again well supported through the continued participation of a majority of our
ongoing member organisations, individuals and also welcomed the addition of some new members.
The GV Safety Group would again like to make a very special thankyou to member organisation GV
Hospice who supported the ongoing face to face meetings, by making their meeting room available
for face to face sessions and supporting attendees who could not attend to join video conferencing
facilities they made available. In particular we appreciated the welcome into their new meeting
rooms for our August meeting and our Annual General Meeting.
Topics covered throughout the year included:
Fatigue Management;
Guarding and Plant Risk Management;
WorkSafe update;
Innovation and Technology in Injury Prevention and Recovery;
Mental Health in the Work Place, and site tour of Notre Dame.
Unfortunately, a field trip to Tahbilk Winery was unable to proceed due to a lack of numbers
confirming their attendance at that time.
2022 saw the return of the GVSG Safety Awards and Safety Breakfast. Despite some last minute
changes due to Flood Waters restricting travel throughout the Goulburn Valley some amazing
resourcefulness was displayed and an alternate Audio Visual setup was a arranged and a video call
established to allow our guest speaker Ms Christin Nixon to appear on our third year of trying to
secure her services.
The 2022 safety awards were the first of our new format and welcomed worthy winners in our four
new categories recognising health and safety initiatives and leaders within smaller and larger
We look forward to a return to running a collaborative event in 2023 with WorkSafe.
We thank all of our valued sponsors for helping us to put on our 2022 event and look forward to the
opportunity to work with their support again in 2023.
The GV Safety Group would like to that WorkSafe for their continued support and participation in
meetings throughout 2022 with their attendance and participation as a contributing member greatly
appreciated. With their prompting and support GVSG have made it through to be a finalist at the
2022 WorkSafe Awards, with the winners announced in February 2023.
I would like to acknowledge and thank our committee for their dedication and hard work in putting
together the calendar of events we offered to support our member organisations, and to put on our
Safety Awards and Breakfast.
In particular I would like to acknowledge the efforts of our Breakfast Coordinator Joanna Foulkes and
Secretary Caitlin Baker for the work that she completed from sending invites, confirming RSVP’s and
managing incoming and outgoing communications.
I look forward to the group having a strong and successful year in 2023 and I look forward to working
with you all again and the new members looking to join the committee, whilst support our current
and any new organisations and individuals joining in 2023.
I wish everyone a restful, healthy and safe festive season, and looking forward to working with you
all in 2023.
Travis Kreeck
GVSG President