GV Safety Group 2022 Worksafe Awards finalist

The GV Safety Group has been nominated as a finalist for Leadership / Achievement in OHS in the 2022 Worksafe Awards, to be held in Melbourne in late February 2023.

2022 GV Safety Group President, Travis Kreeck, says “It’s an honour to be recognised for the contribution that the entire GVSafety Group has made across the Goulburn Valley in the past year, but also since its inception in 1997.” 

“The significant contribution of this group ensures that health and safety leaders across a variety of employers across the Goulburn Valley are supported to both develop and share their knowledge, whilst developing their connection and capacity to support each other.”

“The health and safety benefits for so many employers within our region is what makes this group outstanding. The manner that all positions within the organisation, in particular the office bearers who put many hours of work into coordinating the events to support members, are voluntary makes a remarkable statement regarding the commitment of all to the promotion of health and safety without financial or other benefit”

WorkSafe received more than 120 nominations across the award categories this year and Winners of the 2022 WorkSafe Awards will be announced at the Awards dinner and presentation on February 23rd in Melbourne.  More information about the awards can be found here: WorkSafe Awards | WorkSafe Victoria


GV safety group - PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2022