Lone Worker Safety
An information session exploring the vital aspects of safeguarding those who operate remotely or in isolated environments.
This year, our speaker is Cristian Sylvestre, Managing Director of SafeStart, a human error prevention programme that has achieved a consistent 60-90% reduction in workplace incidents within six to 12 months of its implementation.
Workplace Responsibilities for Psychological Health and Injury Prevention Safety
This July we welcome Sarah Hellwege , a registered Psychologist, an appointed Inspector under the OHS Act and a Senior Psychological Health and Safety Specialist at WorkSafe.
Our next information session of 2023 will welcome CEO of Euroa Health, Melissa Seymour, to talk to us about the preventative measures they have taken to reduce the likelihood and impact of psychological injuries in the workplace.
We know that stress and burnout have had a significant impact on the workforce in the past few years and Euroa Health have worked towards reducing employee burnout and committed to make wellbeing a focus for their workforce and embed it as an organisational priority.
Join us to hear from Melissa about what changes Euroa Health has made and the organisational improvements seen as a result and how these may be implemented in your workplace.
If you would like to attend please reply with attendee names to gvsafetygroup@gmail.com by Monday 22 May 2023
March Meeting - Dr Wil Chong,GV Skin and Specialist Centre.
March Meeting will be on Tues 28th March at 12pm and will be an in-person meeting ( Venue TBC) with a presentation from Dr Wil Chong from the GV Skin and Specialist Centre. More details to come.
February meeting (Virtual).Caitlin Baker; GBCMA
Caitlin Baker - Acting People Safety & Wellbeing Manager for Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority and 2022 GVSG Award Winner will present the GBCMA Wellbeing Dashboard to the group and will also provide an opportunity for a virtual meet and greet for the new Committee and members.